Board Effectiveness Review Portal

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Welcome to our Board Effectiveness Review Portal

This review process works as a questionnaire, taking you through each of the carefully chosen questions about your view of the Board’s effectiveness.  Its purpose is to support continual improvement of Board effectiveness and boardroom leadership.  The steps to use it are:

  1. Administration process – As a Board, agree which trusted colleague will receive everyone’s completed questionnaires – this may be your Company Secretary, Chair, CEO, external adviser (eg) Leading Governance Ltd!  That person should be discreet (although responses will be anonymous when they arrive with them by email) and capable of compiling a report for the Board based on all the responses they receive.
  2. Website membership – Log-in to the website if you’re already a member, or join up if you’re new to it.  Log-in details for one membership can be shared with all Board members (and senior managers if you choose), but must not be shared outside your organisation.
  3. Questionnaire – complete the questionnaire, which should only take around 15-30 minutes, and submit it by email to the person appointed by the Board to administer.  It’s important that everyone offers specific positive feedback, and constructive suggestions for further improvement.  Care should be taken not to criticise any individual.
  4. Report – the agreed administrator compiles a report for the Board to consider at its next meeting.

As mentioned in point 1, Leading Governance Ltd. specialises in Governance Reviews and is on hand to assist with your review. All reviews can be done virtually. Get in touch below for a free consultation and quote.

If you’re happy to continue, please click the button below.

Please note that our review tools are only available to members of the Leading Governance website. Click here to learn more or get your membership here.

A board member review is a discussion about how that member’s skills are being used to govern and promote the success of the organisation. Any training and development needs should be identified. Its aim is to help the board member develop in their board role.

You can read more about Board Meeting Reviews here.

  1. Expertise in Governance: Governance specialists have in-depth knowledge and expertise in corporate governance principles and best practices. They understand the roles, responsibilities, and dynamics of board members, as well as the overall governance framework. This expertise enables them to assess your board’s performance effectively and provide valuable insights.

  2. Objectivity and Independence: An external governance specialist brings objectivity and independence to the review process. They are not directly involved in the board’s operations or influenced by internal biases. Their impartial perspective helps to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement within the board’s functioning.

  3. Comprehensive Evaluation: A 360° review conducted by a governance specialist ensures a thorough evaluation of the board’s performance. They can assess various aspects, including board composition, effectiveness of committees, decision-making processes, strategic planning, risk management, board dynamics, and adherence to regulatory requirements. 

  4. Benchmarking and Best Practices: Governance specialists possess knowledge of industry-specific governance standards and benchmarks. They can compare the board’s practices with recognized best practices and industry norms. This benchmarking allows boards to identify gaps, learn from other organizations, and implement improvements to enhance their governance performance.

  5. Confidentiality and Trust: A governance specialist maintains confidentiality throughout the review process. Board members can openly share their perspectives, concerns, and challenges without fear of reprisal. This confidentiality fosters trust and encourages board members to provide honest feedback, facilitating a more accurate assessment.

  6. Recommendations for Improvement: Based on their assessment, a governance specialist can provide actionable recommendations for enhancing board effectiveness. These recommendations may include suggestions for board composition, committee structure, board processes, training and development opportunities for board members, and governance policies and procedures. These insights help the board to make informed decisions and drive positive change.

  7. External Perception and Reputation: An effective board is crucial for maintaining a positive external perception and reputation of an organization. By engaging a governance specialist, the board demonstrates its commitment to good governance practices, transparency, and accountability. This external validation enhances stakeholder confidence, investor trust, and overall reputation.

As every board is so different, with different sizes and needs, we set up a free consultation and will send you a free quote. Read more here.

Our Board Meeting Review Portal is completely free to members of the Leading Governance website. 

Website members also get access to thousands of pounds worth of Governance materials on our website, including everything you need to make a Governance Manual for your Board.

Membership of the Leading Governance website is open to anyone. Click here to learn more or get your membership here.

Get in touch

Please mention what type of review you require. If you’re not sure, just let us know and we can arrange a short meeting to discuss your needs.
